
Falling Man

"Falling Man: A Novel" by Don DeLillo

"Lianne watched her. It was difficult to see her fitted so steadfastly to a piece of furniture, resigned and unstirring, the energetic arbiter of her daughter's life, ever discerning, the woman who'd given birth to the word beautiful, for what excites admiration in art, ideas, objects, in the faces of men and women, the mind of a child. All this dwindling to a human breath."

"Martin stood before the paintings. 'I'm looking at these objects, kitchen objects but removed from the kitchen, free of the kitchen, the house, everything practical and functioning. And I must be back in another time zone. I must be even more disoriented than usual after a long flight,' he said, pausing. 'Because I keep seeing the towers in this still life.'"

" 'Some people are lucky. The become who they are supposed to be,' he said. 'This did not happen to me until I met your mother. One day we started to talk and it never stopped, this conversation."